July 10, 2016

I have decided to create this post regardless of how I feel about this person. I know it sounds silly but lately her presence has been bugging me immensely. Yes, I’m talking about Taylor Swift, let’s refer to her as Kupret since I… just want to call her that. Also, let's use the word 'dislike' instead of 'hate' because it is such a strong expression.

My dislikeness started when I was in college probably when she went overboard by dating numerous high-profile dudes and then wrote songs about them. I don't know if that is her system or ritual to come up with new songs or whatever. So, there's that.

Last night I had a dream when she and Tom Hiddleston (my sweet poor Hiddleston) came to my house because I won a quiz and the price was a visit from them. Here, we talked about some things that I can't thoroughly remember (there was a scene when some kind of zombie people appeared in the middle of the day and I ran outside and started to smack them with bricks, Hiddleston also helped). I suddenly was woken up in the middle of the night feeling confused and angry telling myself "whyyyy do I have this dreaaaaam? It is sooo annoyiiiing" and then went back to sleep 30 minutes later. My dream did not stop there, in my deepest desire I want to tell Kupret that I don't like her, and I can't explain why. The desire manifested into a continued dream and I told her that I don't like her, and I participated in the quiz just so I could meet Hiddleston because I liked him, she just stared at me and things went blurry. Oh, at some point she was not even Kupret, her name changed to Ayu and she talked about her Bu'Le and Pa'Le.

I also write about this to vent out my confusion as of why do I dislike her so much, especially after I had that dream. I try to watch her interviews but nothing changes anything, still can't find elements to make me like her. I am aware the media and PR people play a huge part to shape her image, but so do lots of people in Hollywood *ahem* The Kardashians *ahem*. I guess you can't just help it when it comes to hating people.

It feels so bizarre to dislike someone this much, let alone this person is famous, a fucking Hollywood star (or money maker). I don't know her personally, she doesn't even know that I exist in this world, SO WHY DO I HATE/DISLIKE HER SO MUCH? that's the 100 million rupiah question. Moreover, I am in my 20s not a teenage girl anymore dammit.

Don't I sound like a hater? Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. I neither know nor care. But I made this particular post about Kupret, so maybe I am. 

This whole thing annoys me even more because she is literally EVERYWHERE like a teenage ghost girl who just broke up with her ghost boyfriend (who is famous in the ghost world) and felt the urge to tell everyone in the whole universe about it. So, my dislikeness grows and grows.

Sure, there are things about her that I respect like she is not an asshole when it comes to her fans, you know sometimes singers and actors don't even glance to their screaming fans who wait for them for hours. Another aspect, she is indeed a talented musician. That's about it.

Maybe it is some sort of enigma. Maybe I should talk to professionals about this. Maybe someday I'd become Kupret fan. Maybe MAYBE MAYBEEEEEEEEEE.

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